Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Refusal in Melville’s Bartleby, the Scrivener

The apparently peculiar protagonist of Herman Melville’s short story, Bartleby, the Scrivener, is a man whose attitude becomes marked by general refusal in the end. After being a diligent scrivener for the lawyer who narrates the story, Bartleby becomes increasingly recluse and resistant, until his speech is almost reduced to a single phrase: â€Å"I would prefer not to. †His refusal to perform at his job, to leave the office and finally to eat, seems, at first, extravagant and gratuitous. However, as it shall be seen, Bartleby embodies the idea of passive resistance against oppression.The lawyer, who is here the narrator of the story as well, represents the pragmatic and materialistic life. Wall Street, which is the most famous street associated with the business world, becomes here a symbol of pragmatism. Significantly, the office where Bartleby is employed is enclosed within walls that obstruct the view at the window. Bartleby, who stares at the great wall incessantl y, is the idealist whose metaphysical revolt crashes against the pragmatic world of business he is a part of. The story is told by a lawyer, who is obviously puzzled by Bartleby’s unaccountable behavior.Because he does not know how to react to Bartleby’s refusals, the lawyer attempts to play a charitable role and let him stay on the premises, without asking him to work anymore. He gives up on his bizarre scrivener however, when he sees that his business has to suffer because of Bartleby’s presence. As many other of Melville’s characters, the copyist is a Transcendentalist, who tries to see life beyond the superficial. He refuses the lawyer’s commands and offers because he believes that business makes man obliterate his own perception of a deeper reality.Bartleby’s thesis is that human action is useless, and he wraps his thesis in the form of negative preferences, giving to understand that he couldn’t act otherwise precisely because it is not a simple matter of will. He seems absolutely paralyzed in inaction, gradually renouncing almost all occupation. As an explanation to the character’s strange behavior, the narrator recalls that Bartleby’s former employment had put him in charge of the ‘dead letters’ or the letters that have reached a dead man at their destination.The former employment obviously added to Bartleby’s belief in the vanity or uselessness of human action in the form of business or commercial employment. Bartleby’s inaction clearly contrasts with the agitated world of business: â€Å"Sometimes an attorney having business with me, and calling at my office, and finding no one but the scrivener there, would undertake to obtain some sort of precise information from him touching my whereabouts; but without heeding his idle talk, Bartleby would remain standing immovable in the middle of the room† (Melville 38).His clash with this pragmatic world is significa nt: he refuses to be involved in the superficial employments of those who do not nurture their own spirits and choose to live artificially. Melville’s association with Transcendentalism is acknowledged. Bartleby’s view on life can be therefore explained with the use of the Transcendentalists’ philosophy. Thus, in Life without Principle, Thoreau remarks that the one element that is completely opposed to poetry and life itself is business: â€Å"I think that there is nothing, not even crime, more opposed to poetry, to philosophy, ay to life itself, than this incessant business†(Thoreau 1).Thoreau continues his idea by giving example of men who were involved in businesses that are immoral, such as the â€Å"gold rush† to California. According to Thoreau, a business which implies that one man will take advantage of another, without actually performing something useful, is offensive to religion and to the divinity: â€Å"It makes God be a moneyed gentl eman who scatters a handful of pennies in order to see mankind scramble for them† (Thoreau 1). In the same way, in his lecture Man the Reformer, Emerson criticizes the practice of business and commerce, when these surpass man’s primary needs.According to Emerson, to the extent that it is possible, man should depend on his own powers for at least a part of the manual labor, in order to have a direct relation to the world: â€Å"But the doctrine of the Farm is merely this, that every man ought to stand in primary relations with the work of the world, ought to do it himself, and not to suffer the accident of his having a purse in his pocket, or his having been bred to some dishonorable and injurious craft, to sever him from those duties†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Emerson 1).Thoreau’s and Emerson’s ideas about business are illustrated by Bartleby’s attitude towards his employer’s profession and the world of Wall Street. Bartleby is sensitive to the fact tha t such an employment keeps men from enjoying life for its real value. His peculiar behavior and his absolute refusal of the lawyer’s proposals show that he holds a different view of life, than that of the common people.Bartleby’s contemplative nature is a further hint that he is immersed in thoughts and meditations and refuses to take part in the shallow activities of the men who surround him. The main character is Melville’s short story is therefore a social misfit, who refuses to acknowledge the superficial world of business that the modern man has walled himself in. With the Transcendentalists, Bartleby is focused on contemplation and understanding of the deeper reality, refusing to become involved in a world of petty and purely materialistic concerns.? Works Cited: Emerson, Ralph Waldo. â€Å"Man the Reformer. † The Transcendentalist, 2001. Ed. J. Johnson Lewis. Retrieved at July 30, 2009. http://www. emersoncentral. com/manreform. htm. Melville, Herm ann. The Complete Shorter Fiction. London: Everyman’s Library, 1997. Thoreau, Henry David. â€Å"Life without principle. † The Transcendentalist, 2001. Ed. J. Johnson Lewis. Retrieved at July 30, 2009. http://www. transcendentalists. com/life_without_principle. htm.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Jefferson vs. Hamilton: Confrontations That Shaped a Nation

April 13, 1743 Albemarle County in the English colony of Virginia was the start of an American historical giant. Thomas Jefferson was born in affluence to his father, Peter Jefferson, a rising young planter in the Virginia colony, and his mother, Jane Randolph, who held a high status within the colony as well. Due to his father’s prosperity Jefferson was afforded the absolute best in the ways of education, starting with private tutors at the age of five, then moving on to learn how to read Greek and Roman in there original text and finally taking his studies to the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg which he would say is â€Å"†¦what probably fixed the destinies of my life†¦Ã¢â‚¬  pg 5. On the other side of the spectrum, a few years later another huge American historical figure is born. Presumably on January 11, 1755, Alexander Hamilton the bastard son of his father, James Hamilton, a Scotsman of a well-known family but never flourished on his own, and his mother, Rachel Fawcett Lavien, who had left her husband, John Lavien, to live with James Hamilton. There is very little said about Hamilton’s early life just that his father â€Å"drifted away† and his mother passed in 1768. Lacking wealth, Hamilton’s educational opportunities in his young life were nonexistent, this is not to say though that his youth was wasted it was here that he gained a vast knowledge of business and finance that he would later use in his service to President George Washington. Even in their early lives it was easy to see the great dissimilarities between these two patriarchs, now I will discuss further more issues that Jefferson and Hamilton shared some differences of opinions. During the Philadelphia convention of 1787, which we now refer to as the Constitutional Convention, James Madison, representative from Virginia, in his notes of Hamilton’s lengthy speech on June 18, 1787 he writes, â€Å"Mr. Hamilton, had been hitherto silent on the business before the Convention†¦Ã¢â‚¬  pg 17 Madison had added it to Hamilton’s character to be so, suggesting that it was out of respect of the men who were superior in age, abilities, and experience to him, but also making it clear that the matters before the convention were far too important for Hamilton to remain that way. Hamilton expressed dissatisfaction with both of the plans brought forward to the convention. The Virginia plan, which was a proposal to completely abandon the Articles of Confederation, and replace it with a bicameral national legislature, an executive branch selected by the legislature, a judiciary, and a council of revision with the power veto, and the New Jersey plan, which suggested to keep the Articles of Confederation, but revise it to give Congress the power to tax, regulate commerce, and choose plural executive and members of a supreme court. Hamilton felt both these plans lacked a strong central government. He was specifically displeased with the New Jersey plan â€Å"being fully convinced† Madison writes â€Å"that no amendment of the Confederation, leaving the States in possession of their Sovereignty could possibly answer the purpose. † pg 18-19. He feared that either of these plans would leave the newly founded country weakened and â€Å"†¦would ultimately destroy the confederation†¦Ã¢â‚¬  pg 20. Finally, though Hamilton would given the federal government more power, he supported what was to be and is now the Constitution of the United States of America and he became one of its leading supporters during the ratification process. Though Jefferson was unable to join the convention due to his duties in France as the United States Minister, he learned of its resolution in November 1787, from a copy sent to him by John Adams. After receiving a letter from Madison explaining the proceedings of the convention he articulated his likes and dislikes of the Constitution. Jefferson liked â€Å"the organization of the government into legislative, Judiciary and Executive† pg 23 and the powers given to each branch. Among his dislikes, the greatest seeming to be â€Å"†¦the omission of a bill of rights providing clearly and without the aid of sophisms†¦Ã¢â‚¬  pg 23 the freedoms he felt inalienable to the human race. During the French Revolutionary war in 1789, Jefferson and Hamilton found each other on opposing sides once again. Jefferson felt that while the violence in the revolt was deplorable but he â€Å"†¦would have seen half the earth desolated. † pg 109 than to see the cause of liberty fail, feeling that â€Å"the liberty of the whole earth was depending on the issues of the contest. pg 109. While Hamilton, disagreed almost wholly on Jefferson’s justification for the violence in France. He â€Å"as a friend to mankind and to liberty†¦Ã¢â‚¬  pg 106-107 rejoiced in the efforts made by Marquis de Lafayette, General of the French Revolutionary National Guard and after serving with Hamilton in 1781 a friend of his as well, but feared the steps in motion t o gain the freedom that Lafayette and all of France desired. It was said that Hamilton never commented on the French revolution without it bringing the â€Å"horror,† â€Å"abhorrence,† and â€Å"repulsion† to his mind. In the presidential election in 1800, Hamilton not being a native born citizen could never run for the presidency, but this didn’t stop him from doing a lot of work in the background to protect his big government federalist views. When he first learned of the federalist’s loss in New York he wrote a letter to Theodore Sedgwick urging him and the other federalists in the legislature â€Å"to support Adams and Pinckney, equally†¦Ã¢â‚¬  pg 130 feeling that it was their only shot at a federalist for president. Hamilton went as far as to contact John Jay, federalist and the current governor of New York, to call a special session of the federally run legislature knowing that there were many objections to this proposal but feeling that â€Å"†¦the reasons for (the special session) outweigh the objections† pg 131. When it came time to vote the results ended as Jefferson 73, Burr 73, Adams 65, Pinckney 64, and John Jay 1. Hamilton now had a much different fight to make, while Jefferson was less than desirable as a candidate, Aaron Burr was an unthinkable choice in Hamilton’s mind. Knowing now that it either was going to be Burr or Jefferson, Hamilton started contacting people persuading them to vote Jefferson over Burr because â€Å"†¦Jefferson is to be preferred. He is by far not so dangerous a man and he has pretensions to his character. † pg 133. In April 1802, Spain had retroceded Louisiana to France, giving the French a valuable spot on the continent with the Mississippi river connecting the south U. S. to the rest of the commercial U. S. The big turning point was in October of 1802 when Spain invalidates the United States use of the ports on the river. Jefferson seemed to be very torn by this predicament having been the U. S. minister to France a few years previously saying â€Å"this is not a state of things we seek or desire. † pg 159. On April 30, 1803 James Monroe, a diplomat to France, left prepared to offer France up to fifty million livres, upon arrival he and Robert R. Livingston initialed an agreement that ceded all of Louisiana to the United States for $15 Million, the settling of which is looked on as the peak of Jefferson’s first term as president. Hamilton had a lot to say about this purchase feeling that Spain’s â€Å"†¦direct nfraction of an important article of (Spain and the U. S. ’) treaty†¦Ã¢â‚¬  pg 164 was a call for war and â€Å"†¦should we have thought it advisable to terminate hostilities by a purchase, we might then have done it on almost our own terms†¦Ã¢â‚¬  pg 164. In 1798 Congress was well on the way to signing into law two acts that they felt at the t ime were for internal security of the U. S. The naturalization act and a sedition act, the idea behind the naturalization act was the president reserved the right to deport any resident alien he deemed dangerous, or if the U. S. was at war with an alien’s home country. The sedition act made it a crime to combine, conspire or to oppose any lawful measure of the government, it also made it punishable to write, say, or publish anything to defame the president, Congress or the government of the U. S. Jefferson saw these acts as a slap in the face to the constitution feeling like it was â€Å"an experiment on the American mind to see how far it will bear an avowed violation of the constitution. † pg 115. Hamilton felt just a strongly about these acts in his letter to Theodore Sedgwick he asks â€Å"What, My Dear Sir, are you going to do with Virginia? pg 118 after he learns of Virginia’s protest to the acts. He felt as congress did that the acts were for the best of the country feeling that the government â€Å"†¦will not be the dupes of an insidious plan to disunite the people of America†¦Ã¢â‚¬  pg 119. To say that Jefferson and Hamilton were diametrically opposed on all subjects some would say is an over simplification, whil e the two disagreed on many topics there were also many things that they could come together in agreement on. The biggest example was the way both men looked at the Constitution, not to say that it was perfect in either man’s eyes but it was definitely an area where they came to a very nice compromise with each other’s beliefs about how this country should be run. Both of these men fought hard and struggled against opposing views to make this country what it is today, there is no telling what our present would look like without these two gentlemen who did their best to make this a free nation.

Sales Department Issues

Business Practice Management Counselor 65 Black Street London 5560 29th November 2011, Business Equipment and Systems Managing Director 7560 Louis Park Ave S Birmingham 3658 Object: Suggestions about the Sales Department M. BESOR, As you asked me to, I have conducted a survey to your employees. So are the observations I have made: As you may have noticed, these last eighteen months have been poor in sales: your company has lost 10% of its turnover because of the Sales Department. As you already know, this department changed its sales manager which strongly affected the work of the team. Before that change, the last manager knew how to motivate her team: we need to motivate it again. In order to do so, you should follow some advices that made their proofs. First of all, you could re-organize the team: to see with all members of the sales team what are their expectations. I heard that some of them would like to leave the team: it may be a way to have new blood and new ideas in the team. Some of the employees would like to move to another product line: let them make a try of a few months, if their quota doesn’t improve then you may be able to send them back to their last job. Before making any move, you should send them to a training to motivate them. In that way they will see they are important to the company: you spend money on their training in order to have a better qualified team. Second of all, you need to have a cohesive team. It exists some way to have one: you should organize a seminar that involves every one. You should choose a theme for the seminar like the Olympics Games: a way to represent the international strategy of the company. You could extend the seminar to other departments of the company and let them compete against each other: Like this the sales team could act like a united team. Another way to improve the moral of the team would be to get free coffee. Coffee is really important in the work world, letting them have free coffee would bring a better environment: they may work harder. Obviously, any abuse should not be accepted. Always in order to change the work environment into a better place, you should bring people together based on their product sales. Not having a complete open-space for the sales team but only for those who work on selling the same product. Otherwise, in order to have a united team, you should propose a new calculation mode based on the product team. It means that as you have 3 different teams, they should have some kind of competition between each other: if a team has the best progression of the month then the people of the team will obtain 2% more on its individual commission. Finally, it exists a complementary way to motivate your team: to offer them a ‘thank you' gift when they are making a good job, individually or in group. That gift may be proposed under the form of a smartbox worth 60â‚ ¬. If you need any other information, do not hesitate to contact me. I really hope these few advices will help you to get better results in terms of benefits, environment and work. Looking forward to hearing from you, Yours sincerely, A. R.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Review key debates and thinkers on Globalisation Essay

Review key debates and thinkers on Globalisation - Essay Example 6 Skeptical Approach†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦... 8 Conclusion†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 9 Introduction Globalization was considered as the wave of the future when it first appeared to unite countries into one global economy for the mutual benefits, which presumed global integration and interdependence in the technological, economic, social, cultural, ecological and political spheres. The core intention of promoting globalization among countries had positive purposes and tasks to make the world more mature, connected and interdependent. The supporters of globalization influenced many government policy makers, economists, businessmen and journ alists into believing that globalization is inevitable and everyone involved should do their best to smooth the process of financial, political and cultural development and integration (Bridges, 2007; Stiglitz, 2006). However, financial and corporate globalization overcame the globalization of production and cultural development. ... t paper will determine the meanings of global economy and globalization in addition to discussing and comparing different approaches to globalization, mainly skeptical and hyperglobalist. By better understanding the map of rhetorical formations in widely-read texts regarding globalization, it might be possible to understand better the concerns and intentions of these opposite viewpoints on globalization and recent global changes. Understanding of Global Economy and Globalization Global Economy Global economy is related to an integrated world economy with unified market of unrestricted and free movement of goods, services and labor produced and provided across the world, which becomes increasingly interconnected (Rao, 1998). Domestic producers have an opportunity to expand and raise capacity according to global demands while domestic consumers are now able to choose from a wide variety of imported goods. One of the main purposes of a global economy is to rationalize prices of all the products globally. In the past, restrictions of World Trade Organization (WTO) prevented such an opportunity, but with the recent reduction in the level of tariffs and quotas free flow of goods and services between the developed and the developing countries has become a distinct possibility (Plane, 2005). With the WTO, World Bank and IMF acting as institutional conduits for economic and political policy dictation, the globalizing states and corporations are now able to bypass most states forcing them into compliance with rules and regulations they have had no part in making, and making governments abandon long-held traditions of economy and society. As a result of global economy and globalization, transnational companies or multinational companies (MNCs) emerged leading to a shifting of

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Consumer behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Consumer behavior - Essay Example It can be said that the superior level of internet penetration in various regions of the world has played a crucial role in creating a demand for products and services of global standards in various markets. It is important to highlight that this demand among the consumers for new products and services has created a platform of unique business opportunities and has in return triggered the need for opening up of closed economies (Free, 2010, p. 464). The opening up of economies, along with the smooth integration and penetration of internet in various corners of the world has lead to the formation of a globally connected marketplace, where the geographical barriers are absent. With the opening up of previously closed economies, many new markets with unique patterns of consumer behaviour and consumer psychology are emerging from various regions of the world (Hargrove and, 2006, p. 411). It is important to mention that the consumers of today’s date are highly tech savvy in n ature. ... Social Networking Overview From the sociologic point of view, it can be highlighted that human beings are born with unique social needs, which involves interacting and communicating with each other as it helps in the development of individual or generalized perceptions and feelings (Kendall, 2011, p. 102). Because of the high penetration of technological devices along with the existence of highly digitized nature of information content in today’s date, people automatically think of social networking as an online medium rather than a traditional offline medium. From the general point of view, it can be said that the social networking today represents a series of virtual platforms which facilitate the process of human interaction and communication of individuals, with their friends, relatives, families and even fans and followers located in various corners of the world. It is interesting to state that though the social networking is a part of the social media, which actually rep resents a very diverse and broad range of platforms which comprises of online blogs, discussion and knowledge forums, podcasting sites, public video sites like YouTube yet the various social and professional networking sites help the most in sharing and linking up of individuals with their close and important contacts (Jue &, 2010, 44). Because of its ability to connect with people in the easiest and fastest manner, it can be said that the social networking sites has gained the status of a very important marketing tool for organizations who are trying to communicate the values of their own products and services to a specific demography of

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Strategic Groups Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Strategic Groups - Essay Example This paper aims at discussing the rivalry that strategic groups face and how they aim at neutralizing the competition. The paper discusses the rivalry between Google Incorporation and other rivalry groups that offer similar services and products. Google and Microsoft have been on market command wars while Samsung and Apple have also been battling it on the mobile phone productions. Google in particular has several strategic advantages that have enabled it to emerge the strongest internet provider in the world. Google has been able to employ strategies such as product and service diversity that has provides the company with greater sales. Google also possess one of the largest geographic coverage in the world. In addition to this, Google has several numbers of market segments that it is serving. Apart from internet production, the company also provides image and graphic production software. The company also provides mobile phone applications in addition to mobile phone production. The company also enjoys good distribution channels that provide it with the best strategic advantages. The extent at which Google brands its product cannot be compared to other rival companies. This is because the company is bale to brand and market its products cheaply and efficiently through the internet that the company owns. The degree of vertical market integration in Google Company is also very efficient. Product and pricing policies for the company has also been superb enabling the company to enjoy wider markets and retain most of their loyal companies (Porter, 1980). On the other hand, Microsoft Incorporation enjoys the best PC software producer in the World. It is estimated that almost 90% of the PC’s in the world uses Microsoft Software. Analysts argue that without Microsoft, Google would find no base for their supplies since the internet utilizes Microsoft applications in computers. Yahoo Incorporation is also another strategic group of company that offers similar ser vices like Google. The rivalry has led to the attempt of Google trying to purchase Yahoo. Background Information and Strategic Benefits Larry Page and Sergey Brin studied at Stanford University and own 16% of the total company’s shares formed Google Inc. they are the founders of Google Inc. The company came into existence in 1998 as a private company but later went public in 2004 when the company invited other shareholders into the company. The two friends invited their fellow student Craig Silverstein who also studied computer science as their first employee. The company runs on a vision of organizing all the information in the world and making it readily available for all the users in the world. The company also runs on a slogan â€Å"don’t be evil† which has helped it in its growth (Why is Google so great 2007). The Company’s history dates back in 1998 when Larry and Sergey decided to upgrade Backrub a search engine that was operating on Stanford sever s for almost more than one year. The two friends decided to change the name from Backrub to Google which is a mathematical term that is used in referring 1 then the digit is followed by 100 zero digits. Their decision to land on the term was later used in forming the vision. The number of zeros signifies infinity, which means looking for all the world information, which is almost impossible. The same year the company received a donation of $100,000 from Andy Bechtolsheim who is now the co-founder of the company. In December, the same year the company was recognized as one of the best 100 websites in the world and it had an efficient way of providing feedback to its users. In 1999, the company improved its employees to eight and therefore had to shift into a larger working place. The following year

Friday, July 26, 2019

Diseases and Disorders of the ear and eye Assignment

Diseases and Disorders of the ear and eye - Assignment Example The paper gives correct and brief answers that help you to learn the material or to prepare for the exam. Describe the three separate parts of the ear. Answer: The three separate parts of the ear are external ear, middle ear and inner ear. The external ear comprises of the auricle, the auditory canal and the drumhead. The middle ear is made up of the ear tube, the mastoid and its ear cells. The inner ear comprises of the bony labyrinth and the membranous labyrinth. The external ear is mainly involved in receiving sound impulses and transmitting it forward. The middle ear is also a conduction system. Differentiate between the two primary types of glaucoma. Answer. The two primary types of glaucoma include open angle glaucoma and angle closure glaucoma. A high intraocular pressure is characteristic of both the types. Open angle glaucoma has a greater frequency of occurrence and it is characterized by a gradual blockage of the drainage of the eye. The angle of the iris and cornea is open and not very narrow and thus it presents chronically. Angle closure glaucoma on the other hand is acute because of the narrowing of the angle that exists between the iris and the cornea. Name the etiologic factors of macular degeneration. Answer: Macular degeneration is mainly an age related pathology which results in complete loss of vision in developed nations. Although no definite causes for the condition have been identified but smoking of cigarettes, raised blood pressure and genetics are known to play a role.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Court Justices Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Court Justices - Research Paper Example Answer: The courtroom funds refer to the funds that raised through the money shared by the law firms and litigants having an interest in the state court. The Democratic challengers and Republican incumbents in order to defeat the opposite candidate raise courtroom funds. In this regard, the Democratic challengers raised 69% courtroom funds whereas its incumbent raised 65%; therefore, the former surpassed the latter. Answer: Yes, I agree that distinguishing line between the role of a judge and that of a politician has become blurred for many citizens. The reason for such occurrence is that the judges are elected through campaigning and raising funds, which is also the way politicians are elected. A judge is a person who has to give an impartial and fair judgement to curb menace and encourage fairness in the world. Politicians, on the contrary, are the people who convince the public that they are the true leaders for their nation/state. However, the judges are chosen through the biased fund raising practices. The law firms (corporate defense and plaintiffs) form the largest fund raisers having their cases on the judge’s table. As a result, the judges are not selected through an impartial and fair process that thickly shadows their original role in providing justice to the victim. Answer: I would choose judge for the Supreme Court of Texas through the process of screening test, interview and demonstration test. In this case, each candidate will have to pass a screening test related to written examination. Once cleared, the short listed candidates will have to appear for an interview. Only five candidates will be short listed from the interviews who will later appear for a demonstration test where the individuals and the institutions will all be present to ask complex questions from the screened candidates. Finally, a voting process will take place to select the final candidate. This process is fair and impartial

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Performance Management in Corrections Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Performance Management in Corrections - Essay Example There are several problems with this team member that need to be addressed appropriately by Gary when he has the meeting with this team member.   The first issue at hand is to discuss the team member’s strengths. Then, after having recapped what he appreciates about the team members work performance, he should then try to tackle the more pressing issues that make this team member’s work performance so dismal as of late. The first major issue is that the team member has unexplained absenteeism. The second major issue is that the team member has been sleeping on the night shift. The third major issue is that the team member is not making mandatory security checks. All of these issues are going to be discussed here. alerted by Gary that one should not be absent so much for work. Not only is this unreliable on his part, but it shows that he doesn’t care much for his job or think about the safety of his co-workers. It demonstrates a visible and obvious lack of professionalism, and as well as demonstrates that the team member is not taking his or her job seriously by continually having repeat absences occur. Gary must let the team member know that such behaviour will not be tolerated—and that if he or she does not change his or her ways, that person will no longer be employed on the team—standards that everyone has to indeed follow. member is not getting paid to sleep on the job; the team member is being paid to be awake during some of the most important hours of the day in order to stop problems from happening. If the team member is asleep, however, he or she cannot prevent small issues from snowballing into even larger ones. Sleeping on the night shift could be especially detrimental to a corrections officer if there was a prisoner at-large, and that could cost the team member his or her life. A lot of these people in the jail facility are hardened criminals, and it is very possible that this could pose a problem in the future if the team member continued to sleep on the job while other important things were going on and happening.

Assessing functional status Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Assessing functional status - Essay Example The ambulatory status is done to determine the patient’s mobility capability. The assessing physician should check if the patient uses a wheel chair, a cane or prosthetic devices for movement. If otherwise he should establish whether the ability is excellent, good or fair by checking the ease with the patient can climb stairs. The ability of the senses often range from excellent to poor beyond which specific descriptions are employed. In the case of hearing ability the other options are either deaf or use of hearing aids. When assessing vision, the patient should either be using glasses, contacts or is blind. Cataracts, glaucoma, DM retinopathy and Macular degeneration also form part of the scoring system. The assessment of speech is aimed at recognizing speech problems such as verbal apraxia, Aphasia, Dysphonia and abnormal tongue and lip movements. Ill-fitting dentures too are checked. Touch is scored in terms of normal sensitivity, decreased sensitivity or numbness to temperature. Smell and taste sensitivity cannot be described as excellent, good or fair. It is either having no problem or is changed. The checking physician notes down the changes in the score card. Assessing functional status of a patient is important in many occasions. According to Preeti (2009), one situation where it is necessary is a patient is about to undergo an operation. In most cases, the results of the assessment are compared with the possible outcomes of the operation. Pre-operation functional status assessment is aimed at identifying the impairment. It is reported that most patients who after operations develop delirium depression and general inability to recover had functional and cognitive impairments which were not considered before operation. Under this situation, the studies would have helped prevent postoperative health decline in the adults (Preeti, 2009). Generally, geriatric assessment is necessary in determining a patient’s functional

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Globalisation Causes Poverty Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Globalisation Causes Poverty - Research Paper Example There is a continuous discourse on the fight against poverty of international financial organizations and there are political elements in this debate, as well. Arguments against Poverty caused by Globalization According to Basu (2006) globalization and poverty are two different concepts. Globalization has almost become an indefinable term due to its ubiquity while the world poverty is a reality, the real causes of which are still hidden in large part. Basu (2006) argues that poverty does not come from globalization. Globalization only increases the degree of integration between countries. The policies adopted by governments of these countries causes poverty. Collier and Dollar (2002) supports the view by pointing out that European Union is also a form of globalization, which has not increased incidences of poverty among member countries, rather decreased it. According to Collier and Dollar (2002), it is agreed by economists that governments must eliminate barriers to free trade and o vercome protectionism of the past. The real cause of poverty within the third world countries is above all the overpopulation phenomena (Collier and Dollar, 2002). Collier and Dollar (2002) argues that causation of poverty is the fact that contraceptive devices are denied to the masses in these countries. Rather than holding globalization accountable, funds in these countries should primarily be used to create family planning centers to enable these people to have only maximum two children as is the case in Western countries (Cline, 2010).  According to Cline (2010), barring globalization or resorting to philanthropy cannot solve this problem of poverty in third-world countries. The other phenomenon which has... According to Basu (2006), globalization and poverty are two different concepts. Globalization has almost become an indefinable term due to its ubiquity while the world poverty is a reality, the real causes of which are still hidden in large part. Basu (2006) argues that poverty does not come from globalization. Globalization only increases the degree of integration between countries. The policies adopted by governments of these countries causes poverty. Collier and Dollar (2002) supports the view by pointing out that the European Union is also a form of globalization, which has not increased incidences of poverty among member countries, rather decreased it. According to Collier and Dollar (2002), it is agreed by economists that governments must eliminate barriers to free trade and overcome protectionism of the past. The real cause of poverty within the third world countries is above all the overpopulation phenomena (Collier and Dollar, 2002). Collier and Dollar (2002) argues that causation of poverty is the fact that contraceptive devices are denied to the masses in these countries. Rather than holding globalization accountable, funds in these countries should primarily be used to create family planning centers to enable these people to have only maximum two children as is the case in Western countries. According to Cline, barring globalization or resorting to philanthropy cannot solve this problem of poverty in third-world countries. The other phenomenon which has increased with the globalization is world population.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Demand Analysis of low-calorie microwavable food Essay Example for Free

Demand Analysis of low-calorie microwavable food Essay QD = 20,000 10P + 1500A + 5PX + 10 I Since R2 is considerable high, the model explains the demand quite well. Putting the values of P, A, Px and I in the above equation, we get, Converting all price into dollars, we get, QD = 20,000 – (10Ãâ€"8000) + (1500Ãâ€"64) + (5Ãâ€"9000) + (10Ãâ€"5000) = 131000 Now, own price elasticity (ep) = Ãâ€" = -10, P = 8000, Q = 131000 Own Price elasticity (ep) = 10 Ãâ€" = 0.61 (approx.) Cross price elasticity (exy) = Ãâ€" = 5, Px = 9000, Q = 131000 Cross price elasticity (exy) = 5 Ãâ€" = 0. 34 (approx.) Income elasticity (eI) = Ãâ€" = 10, I = 5000, Q = 131000 Income elasticity (eI) = 10 Ãâ€" = 0.38 (approx.) Advertisement elasticity (eA) = Ãâ€" = 1500, A = 64, Q = 131000 Advertisement elasticity (eA) = 1500 Ãâ€" = 0.73 (approx.) From the above results, we can see that the own price elasticity is 0.61. Thus the demand for the low-calorie microwavable food is inelastic in nature. This implies that an increase in the price of the food leads to the fall of the quantity demanded by less than proportionate amount. Income elasticity of the good calculated is 0.38. This implies that the good selected is normal good. The cross price elasticity is 0.34. Therefore the two goods are almost substitute goods. Finally, coming to the advertisement  elasticity, we can see that the advertisement elasticity is 0.73. Thus advertisement has an important impact on the sales of the product. Since price elasticity is less than 1, total revenue will fall if price falls. Moreover the cross price elasticity of the product is almost close to zero. So, if the firm will never lower its price to increase its market share. i) The demand curve s drawn below: ii) At these prices there is always an excess supply. Thus market forces cannot determine the equilibrium. iii) The factors can influence demand and supply are: Demand – Advertisement, Income, price of the competitor’s product, etc. Supply – technological improvement, supply shocks, etc. Increase in advertisement expenditure can increase the demand this will shift the demand curve rightward. Similarly any reduction in advertisement expenditure will shift the demand curve leftward. Similarly, a rise in per capita income will shift the demand curve rightward and viceversa. Now, the supply curve can shift rightward if there is any improvement in the technology. On the other hand any supply shock can shift the supply curve leftward. References: Varian, H. R. (2011). Intermediate Microeconomics: A Modern Approach (8th ed.). NY: Norton Walter Nicholson, Christopher Snyder (2012). Microeconomic Theory: Basic Principles and Extensions (11th ed.). USA: Cengage Learning TR Jain, VK Ohri (2010). Introductory Microeconomics and Macroeconomics (7th ed.). India: V.K.Publications

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Innovation systems in tourism

Innovation systems in tourism Abstract This paper will talk about innovation system in tourism development by introducing an innovation model to attract tourism to destination. The model called attractor-based innovation system that is included different parts such as attractor, scene, scene-maker, scene-taker and the arrangement between tourist and other firms. The aim of the study is to scrutinize how the innovation system in tourism can promote tourism firms and extend an attractor-based tourism innovation system in the destination. The paper will examine implementation of such an innovation system in two examples of destinations around the world. The connection between scene-maker and scene-taker will investigate to realize the creation of local networks. The tourist development could depend on the connection between tourism and attractor-based innovation system in the region. Introduction Tourism industry is growing faster and faster every day and innovation system plays an important role in tourism development. In this paper, I introduce a model that called attractor-based innovation system that is included different parts such as attractor, scene, scene-maker, scene-taker and the arrangement between tourist and other firms. The innovation system focus on service products, market change, customer behavior and changing the processes, for instance replace new goods, services, organizations etc. The concept of innovation may focus on the process change although process will be connected to innovation systems. Innovation refers to the process of bringing any new, problem solving idea into use. Ideas for reorganizing, cutting cost, putting in new budgetary systems, improving communication or assembling products in teams are also innovations. Innovation is the generation, acceptance and implementation of new ideas, processes, products or services Acceptance and implementation is central to this definition; it involves the capacity to change and adapt (Hjalager cited in Kanter, cited from Hall Williams Hall and Williams, 2008 C.M. Hall and A.M. Williams, Tourism and innovation, Routledge, London (2008). ,2008, p 5). It has been investigated that innovation hypothesis promoted in connection with manufacturing segment can be implemented to service segment for instance tourism. Service innovations are seldom RD (Research and Development) based, but running by applied experiences. Innovation in services is incremental which means services and processes are rarely changed. Usually, the process of innovation for service firm is lesser than manufacturing firm because of smaller standard size. I will investigate that scene-taker as an organization and entrepreneur make an essential role in innovation systems in developing the scene. The purpose of the research is how the tourism innovation system may promote the development of tourism firms. Literature review It has been discussed that innovation hypothesis developed in connection with industrialized sector might be utilize in service sector for instance tourism industry (Gallouj, 2002; Vermeulen, 2002). There are some general features for service innovation in tourism, which depends on type of innovation in manufacturing sector (Boden and Miles, 2000). Innovation in services is coming to flexible aspects of innovation rather than practical manufacturing innovation. For instance, organizational and natural innovation is focusing on social issues rather than technological innovation in industries (Tether, 2005; Gallouj, 2002). However, innovation may depend on organizational change that related to association between complexes of firms, it also needs support from stakeholders (Sundbo et al., 2001). However, services and manufacturing have similarities in their basic structure for innovation system, for instance, innovation in product and process are more incorporated in services and service firms are structuring the innovation activities that mean they develop research and development sector. Service innovations are more focusing on developing Information Technology (IT) for service firms (Miles, 1993). I need to give clear definition of tourism in this part. Tourism comprises the activities of persons travelling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business or other purposes. (Mattsson, Jan , Sundbo, Jon and Fussing-Jensen, Christjan cited in WTO, 1991) I need to clarify the meaning of tourism firms. According to Leiper (1999) The tourist industry consists of all those firms, organizations and facilities which are intended to serve the specific needs and wants of tourists. Developing research for tourism innovation has been limited. Hjalager (1997, 2002) has investigated innovation development in tourism sector and he has concluded that innovation policies must focus on other sectors, which are supporting sustainability concept. Poon (1990, 1993) has investigated diffusion of innovation in tourism sector and he examined the development of small firms in tourism. Sunbo (1998) and Jensen (2001) have studied the possibility of using network for small firms in tourism sector and they concluded that small firms in tourism part are less innovative than small firms in other sectors. Product and process innovation related to change in the product or process chain, which represent new products to customer or new service in specific destination or enterprise. In customer purchase decision, product and process innovations might play a significant role in tourism sector (Hjalager, 2010). Process innovations refer typically to backstage initiatives that aim at growing efficiency, production and flow. Technology investments are the anchor of typical process innovation, occasionally in mixture with reengineered layouts for manual work operations. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has been the base of many process innovations in current decades, and it has involved a major strand of research interest with its own agendas and institutions (Buhalis Law, 2008). For instance, process innovation can be established permeating into visitor attractions for the targets of crowd organize. Process innovations which address energy consumption and climate impacts are on the future program for many types of tourism enterprise and not least transportation (Peeters, Gà ¶ssling, Becken, 2006). Experts have considered science and technology as driving forces for innovation, but they recognize environmental factors such as market changes and political issues as contributors. It has concluded that market demand is a major point-de-fix in typical tourism research, and is clearly considered the single most significant driving force for innovation ([Buhalis, 2000] and [Hall and Williams, 2008]). Process innovations occur broadly in tourism. With an example from winter sports that scrutinize how ski lift capacity is a serious factor in process efficiency and that selection of technology for that reason is critical. Airports implement a variety of technologies that guarantee the mobility of people, baggage, goods and information, in order to improve the challenges of transportation. During recent years, and for a number of purposes, new types of technology have entered airports, for instance, iris-recognition and X-raying ([Cydesdale , 2007] and [Sheller Urry, 2006]). According to Pine Gilmore (1999), Experiences are a fourth economic offering, as distinct from services as services are from goods, but one that has until now gone largely unrecognized. Goods are tangible products that companies standardize and then inventory and services are intangible activities performed for particular client. (Pine Gilmore, 1999, P: 2-9) The concept of innovation system emphasizes the innovation and learning features of the systems. Usually, a system engaged in a type of cluster, special firms, public institutions and other actors that are participate in an interaction system (Porter, 1990; Maskell, 2001). In this system, knowledge is diffused and association recognized, in cooperation enhancing the innovation activities of the firms involved. The innovation system might be considered as a learning system ( Maskell, 2001). The common notion of an innovation system as performed to the tourism segment suggests a system that is more insecurely coupled than in industrialized and other services (Jensen, 2001; Jensen et al., 2001; Hjalager, 2002) and might more properly be termed a network. However, the notion of an attractor-based innovation system in tourism sector that I will recommend in this paper is different from the common innovation system approach performed to tourism. It is more precise since it identifies an obvious originator of the innovation system for instance the attractor and the scene-maker and it introduce development process in the model for instance a scene-taker taking over from the scene-maker and making local networks. Accordingly, an attractor-based tourism model is one example of the common innovation system in tourism sector. After reviewing literature related to innovation system in tourism, the aim of the study will be to expand an innovation model in tourism that has been called attractor- based innovation system. It will continue by investigating two case studies around the world. I have chosen them since I could easily find out the attractor in the cases. I will carry on by introducing different mechanism of the model. The study will focus on investigating the operation of such an innovation model in the long term according to economic and social aspects. I propose to make a comparative analysis between the cases and investigating the operation of the model in different situation and in variety of destination. Introducing an attractor-based innovation system model The tourism development, which is, growth in proceeds and revenue and qualitative regeneration, needs innovations. The tourism development in a region may not exactly belong to innovation by a particular tourism firm. Somewhat, it can be dependent on other surrounding factors in the particular area. This geographical area may not, be seen absolutely as a special destination. However, the purpose of the study has not been to investigate destinations features, but in the tourism innovation systems such as the attractor based innovation system must not be limited to just one destination. According to destinations meaning, the system can be physically dispersed to comprise several destinations or only a part of a destination. In order to investigate the model I need to focus on both innovation and entrepreneurship. The entrepreneurs develop the innovative courage and the essential structures, procure the knowledge and maybe project capital. Therefore, entrepreneurship is the main requirement for innovation. A community entrepreneur could be defining as a social leader who is constructing networks in the best way. According to figure 1, the model of attractor-based tourism innovation system is constructed: attractor, scene, scene-maker, scene-taker and cooperative networks between the scene-taker and tourism firms. I will focus on one purpose of the model that called scene-taker, who plays an important role to maintain the system. Nevertheless, I will carry on by explaining components of the model. The attractor is defined as an event, movement, association or the like that absorbs people to the destination. Attractors generate attention; it is not necessary for them to have special connection with tourism. For instance, the head offices of a famous business or a famous sporting event like (Mattsson, Jan, Sundbo, Jon and Fussing-Jensen, Christjan, 2005) The Olympic Games generate large numbers of visitations. Another example could be a music festival in special destination in limited time that we call it cultural or entertainment event. The attractor transformation happens when it is connected to a situation, what I have called a scene. It includes giving the attractor a clear place and identity in the destination. The main framework for the whole experience of visitors may happen when the attractor is transfigured into a scene. Therefore, the scene is a symbol for the way the attractor integrated with its surrounding situation and conceptualized. The scene-maker is the person who is creating the scene and he investigates the possibilities of applying the attractor for improved visitation. Since the scene-maker establish and conceptualizes the scene, he can be an innovator. He could be an entrepreneur, he may not maintain the scene and he may not be part of tourism section or he may not profit from the generated scene individually. The scene-maker can be an individual, or an organization, a personal firm or a community. A scene-taker is a part of models function, which can be an individual, a personal firm or a community that is capable to take over and continue from that of the scene-maker. The scene-taker has entrepreneurial personality no matter even if it is a person or an organization. The scene-taker is determined and efforts to maintain the scene. The Scene-takers operations may make profit for personal tourism firm by becoming component of a collaborative network rising on the scene. Propositions connected to model of attractor-based tourism innovation system listed below: All components of the model must be present to ensure economic and social viability. The scene-taker is the most crucial function. A scene must have been created before the transition from the scene-maker to the scene-taker can take place. If a scene-taker is present, tourism firms get more business if they make an active effort to utilize the scene. Successful utilization of the attractor (positive effects economically or socially) requires innovation in the tourism firms. Successful utilization of the attractor (positive effects economically or socially) requires a collaborative network between the tourism firms. Conservatism of tourism firms in relating to local firms in other sectors impedes attractor utilization. (Mattsson, Jan, Sundbo, Jon and Fussing-Jensen, Christjan, 2005) Case studies I have chosen two case studies which are called James bond island in Thailand and the Book town Hay-on-Wye in United Kingdom. I will explain two cases to understand function of the innovation system and relation between scene-making and scene taking parts. The main reason for case selection was the attractor entity. In the case of Hay-on-Wye, an entrepreneur develops his idea to become a traditional trader. Accidentally he became an owner of the big book collection. Therefore, he started to sell second-hand books and he made the city like book town. He became a major book trader and he promoted the proposal of book towns worldwide. In the James Bond Island case, a local tour operator got used the name of James bond as a trade name for boat trips to this island in Thailand. He used the reality that a scene in one James Bond film had produced in this island. The following data according to cases and respondents opinion has been collected. According to table 1, we understand how the model according to proposition dealing with economic and social condition. Data collected according to interviewing respondents and they were asking to talk about specific incidents relevant to different parts of model. Respondents must have experiments about events that they were asking about that. The focus was on the connection between events, attractor and other parts of model. For instance, events on how the scene-maker produced the scene from the attractor and relevant to the events situation shifting from scene-maker to scene-taker. Examining the prepositions According to preposition 1, an attractor-based model has had positive result in both cases that means attractor as the main part of the model has made business improved. According to preposition 2, the model has had positive effect. The scene-taker can be an individual or organization that in both cases has been an entrepreneur. Relevant to preposition 3, which is focusing on shifting from scene creation to a scene-taker has been successful in both cases. Therefore, in James Bond Island and Hay-on-Wye a scene has been created. According to preposition 4, the positive activity of the firms has not relied. Regarding proposition 5, for the case of James Bond Island, the innovation actions of tourism firms has been positive and in the case of Hay-on-Wye there is no innovation action. About preposition 6, in both cases there is shared association between tourism firms but no connection between tourism firms and other firms. In conclusion, the preposition 7 which in conservatism within tou rism firms and other parts have been positive in both cases. Therefore, the scene-taker has a significant effect in innovation system. Innovation depended on positive effect of the attractor in the model. Conclusion Bibliography Boden, M. and Miles, I. (Eds) (2000) Services and the Knowledge-Based Economy (London: Continuum). Buhalis, D. (2000). The tourism phenomenon: the new tourist and consumer. In C. Wahab, C. Cooper (Eds.), Tourism in the age of globalization (pp. 69-96). London: Routledge. Buhalis, D., Law, R. (2008). Progress in information technology and tourism management: 20 years on and 10 year after the Internet the state of the eTourism research. Tourism Management, 29(4), 609-623. Clydesdale, G. (2007). Ski development and strategy. 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Social Inequality and Insecurity in Canada

Social Inequality and Insecurity in Canada ASSIGNMENT-2 Social inequality illustrates a scenario in a society where there is disparity that has limiting effect on a group’s social status and class. Inequality, in this reference, refers to the differences in status, experience, and outcomes among various groups of individuals in the society. The social inequality covers aspects like right to vote for every adult individual, right to speech, right to access property and right to education, quality of healthy living, quality of housing, traveling, vacationing and other social goods and services. It can also be viewed in the quality of family and neighborhood life, occupation, job satisfaction, and right to credit. Social insecurity refers to a condition in a society where people do not receive benefits because of their employment program. For instance privilege for retirement pensions, disability insurance and employment guarantee program. The provision of services may vary from country to country which may include health care, financial support during unemployment or retirement, safety at work. Insecurity rises from temporary work that does not give a commitment by the agency for permanent employment. This does not provide a reliable level of income or work for the workers. Temporary workers face dismissal at work place and lack job security. A recent study conducted in Canada revealed that the main difference between inequality and insecurity. Inequality describes the situation where the workers with equal labor productivity, ability, education, training and experience are treated unequal. They face inequality in employment selection procedure, job promotion, level of wages, training and other areas. However, insecurity is a situation where an employee has a perception that his or her job is uncertain and may come to an end sooner or later. This perception stands as a threat caused by the instability and unsteadiness of job or unsatisfied for possibly being fired at any time. The major causes of inequality and insecurity are different. Work inequality is affected characteristics like racism, gender inequality, skin color, age, family background, tradition, religion, physical fitness and the nationality of a person. However, work insecurity depends on work background, job importance, job content, work environment, job sat isfaction and career development. The effect of social inequality and insecurity on Canadian society is the division of labor market into good jobs and bad jobs. Social Inequality is dominated by professional and skilled workers and social insecurity is dominated by women and racist groups. The bad jobs provide little security of job and nearly about one tenth of the Canadian population is engaged in it. The birth of non-standard jobs is due to inequality as there is vulnerability of unemployment. Therefore, people hold multiple jobs at a time for survival. Temporary work is also a form of non-standard jobs wherein the job is dependent on the season and terms of contract with the company. A new type of agencies have been started which act as a broker between the employee and the employer. These agencies make arrangements for the temporary positions and individuals seeking jobs. The agency’s income is derived from the difference between what it charges the company and what it pays the individual worker. Self-em ployment is referred to as a means to achieve flexibility and freedom from the regular unemployment, low wages, and insecurity. It is segmented between a primary and a secondary market. In the primary self-employment market, companies run on full-time basis and often have few employees who have access to the benefits. This market segment mostly consists of older men who all have an established network of potential clients. In the secondary self-employment market, there is more uncertainty of work, lack of control of labor market and protection and inadequate incomes. Studies have revealed that insecurity in Canada has increased over the past 20 years. The possibility of unemployment is a significant reason for insecurity in Canada. It varies from workers in permanent full-time jobs to workers in temporary positions in contract. â€Å"Churn† refers to the very high turnover rates associated with certain occupations. A number of jobs, such as contract work and seasonal jobs show insecurity in their nature. Unemployment risk is higher for working individuals (25-64 years age) having a high school diploma or nothing. Unemployment risk is also higher for those in the primary sector than in the tertiary sector. But some areas of the tertiary sector, such as health and education, show low unemployment and infrequent job changes. While jobs like in hospitality and food services show higher unemployment and high turnover rates due to seasonal variations. In 2010, minimum wage levels ranged from $7.5 per hour in British Columbia to $9.5 per hour in Ontario. An individual earning $8.00 per hour and working forty hours per week will earn $16000 per year, if that individual does not take any off from work for the entire year. This individual living anywhere in Canada likely to have housing or other living expenses, job changes and will live below the low-income cut-off rate. The major causes of inequality in Canada were studied and deduced as follows:- Women: Women have always played a key role in the economy, yet their work, whether paid or unpaid, has never been recognized. Considerably, Women’s participation in the labor market has hiked since the end of World War II. The reasons being: desire for economic independence, less number of children per family, changed marital status, better access to education. Radicalized groups: The employment patterns of radicalized groups are similar to those of women. They experience a low average income, low participation rates, and higher unemployment rates. They also are less involved into white-collar jobs and are more in to the pink and blue-collar jobs. These groups of workers are more employed in non-union positions. They are likely to be absent in professional and managerial occupations. Persons with disabilities:- The majority of these people are excluded from school, work and society. This group has low participation and employment opportunities and the rate of low incomes is twice that of persons with no disabilities. They face more of the fluctuations in the labor market and social exclusion. Young workers, Aboriginal persons and old workers: Aboriginal persons have very low employment level because of the differences in education levels. As increasing numbers of Aboriginal persons are getting their post-secondary education, they find themselves alongside others who are seeking work and are not included in Aboriginal organizations. The labor market patterns of older section of people are also changing particularly due to the factors like loss of jobs, pensions and mandatory retirement. The income level due to these conditions has not allowed them to purchase property or save money for retirement. Young workers constitute another group who face unemployment in Canada due to lack of experience which plays the major reason for their condition. Fig 1:-The above graph is a study conducted in year 2009 showing the low income rate among various countries using MBM. Fig 2:-The above graph shows the income gap between the rich and the poorest groups in Canada over the past 10 years. The effective policies brought in by the Canadian government to reduce inequality in Canada are changes in wages and salaries distribution. The changes are as follows: Changes in work environment, part-time working opportunities, self-employed and non-standard labor contracts and an increase in division of work hours. Technological changes with the benefits of technical progress among the high-skilled. Regulatory policies targeted at promoting growth and productivity, which enhanced both employment and income inequality. Re-distribution through taxes and benefits in mitigating income inequality within all countries. Tax provisions being reviewed on top-income households to ensure the tax system is progressive and fair. Better education facilities for certain groups in Canada, certainly among Aboriginals. This is a major issue of concern requiring more efficient policy action. REFERENCES 1. 2. _cannot_be_denied.html 3. 4. /humarp07-e.pdf 5. 6. /humarp07-e.pdf 7. 8. John Loxley, Public Service, Private Profits: The Political Economy of Public/Private Partnerships in Canada

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The New Deal Essay examples -- U.S. History

Do you know what it’s like to live in a cardboard home, starve, and raise a family in poverty? Unfortunately, most Americans in the 1930s went through this on a day-to-day basis. In 1929 the stock market crashed. Many people lost their life savings; they invested everything they owned in a failing stock market. The country was falling, everyone needed strong leadership and help from the government. Devastation and desperation started on Thursday, October 24, 1929. There was a strong sense of panic in the air at the Stock Exchange. The stocks were dropping, alarmingly fast; the worried American tried desperately to keep their savings. Markets began to steady again on Friday and Saturday only to sweep back down the following Monday. By Tuesday the twenty-ninth all doubt was erased, many Americans lost everything they had on Black Tuesday (Andrist and Stillman 190). President Herbert Hoover made a decision and refused to provide emergency relief. Hoover believed that it was â€Å"strictly a state and local responsibility.† Most local organizations were far too small to handle this big of a situation (Andrist and Stillman 193). America needed a change, a change that would come at the next election time. Immediately following Herbert Hoover in the presidency line, Mr. Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) became America’s 32nd president. This democrat, inaugurated on March 4, 1933, won the 1932 election against Hoover by a landslide. The new president made a promise to his citizens, â€Å"I pledge you, I pledge myself, a new deal for the American people.† He reassured Americans that he would change their lives. He promised to get people back to work and back in their homes (â€Å"New Deal Timeline 1). For the hundreds of thousands of unemployed work... ... still be living in a time very similar to the Great Depression. However, the New Deal did help to solve America’s problems, it did not end the depression, unemployment, or poverty; it did provide a sense of security to American citizens, and insure hope in their country (â€Å"New Deal† 3). Works Cited Andrist, Ralph K., and Edmund O. Stillman. The American Heritage History of the 1920s & 1930s. New York: American Heritage/Bonanza, 1987. Print. "Franklin D. Roosevelt - American Heritage Center, Inc." FDR Heritage. Web. McElvaine, Robert S. The Depression and New Deal: A History in Documents. New York: Oxford UP, 2000. Print. "New Deal." The Reader's Companion to U.S. Women's History. Ed. Wilma Mankiller, Gwendolyn Mink, Marysa Navarro, Barbara Smith, and Gloria Steinem. n.p. Web. 6 Mar. 2012. "New Deal Timeline." Web. 9 Mar. 2012.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Comparing the Assimilation into American Culture of the Irish and the Native American :: Compare Contrast Sociological Boundaries

Comparing the Assimilation into American Culture of the Irish and the Native American Many people would agree that the Irish have been successful in assimilating into American culture and the Native American has been unsuccessful. There have been many boundaries that both groups have encountered but they are more of a hardship for the Native American. These include Racial and Cultural boundaries, Personal boundaries, Sociological boundaries, Political and Economic boundaries, and Geographical boundaries.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Racial and Cultural boundaries are probably the hardest obstacle that Native Americans have encountered. These are the physical differences. The Irish are a group of people that speak English. Since English is the national language of the United States and most people in America speak English, this was an obstacle that the Irish did not have to overcome. The Native Americans, however, did not speak English, so before they could function as a full member of society and get a good job they first had to learn how to speak English. The Irish are also for the most part a Catholic group. The Native Americans were not, this was another hardship for them. Most of the Irish customs were similar to those already being practiced in the United States. Native Americans had customs that were very different.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another boundary that was harder for the Native Americans than the Irish was personal boundaries. Native Americans had less education then the Irish did, they also did not know English and that was another hardship they faced. Both Native Americans and the Irish started out working in blue collar jobs, but the Irish eventually made there way out and into the white collar world. Native Americans still hold blue collar jobs.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Sociological boundaries were another set of boundaries that both groups had to face. There were not many Native Americans left due to wars between individual tribes, the trail of tears and other similar walks to reservations, and to disease. So there were not many Native Americans left to assimilate into American culture. Comparing the Assimilation into American Culture of the Irish and the Native American :: Compare Contrast Sociological Boundaries Comparing the Assimilation into American Culture of the Irish and the Native American Many people would agree that the Irish have been successful in assimilating into American culture and the Native American has been unsuccessful. There have been many boundaries that both groups have encountered but they are more of a hardship for the Native American. These include Racial and Cultural boundaries, Personal boundaries, Sociological boundaries, Political and Economic boundaries, and Geographical boundaries.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Racial and Cultural boundaries are probably the hardest obstacle that Native Americans have encountered. These are the physical differences. The Irish are a group of people that speak English. Since English is the national language of the United States and most people in America speak English, this was an obstacle that the Irish did not have to overcome. The Native Americans, however, did not speak English, so before they could function as a full member of society and get a good job they first had to learn how to speak English. The Irish are also for the most part a Catholic group. The Native Americans were not, this was another hardship for them. Most of the Irish customs were similar to those already being practiced in the United States. Native Americans had customs that were very different.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another boundary that was harder for the Native Americans than the Irish was personal boundaries. Native Americans had less education then the Irish did, they also did not know English and that was another hardship they faced. Both Native Americans and the Irish started out working in blue collar jobs, but the Irish eventually made there way out and into the white collar world. Native Americans still hold blue collar jobs.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Sociological boundaries were another set of boundaries that both groups had to face. There were not many Native Americans left due to wars between individual tribes, the trail of tears and other similar walks to reservations, and to disease. So there were not many Native Americans left to assimilate into American culture.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Jk Rowling

Although she writes under the pen name â€Å"J. K. Rowling† her name when her first Harry Potter book was published was simply â€Å"Joanne Rowling†. Her publisher Bloomsbury feared that the target audience of young boys might be reluctant to buy books written by a female author, and requested that she use two initials, rather than reveal her first name. Born on 31 July 1965 in Yate, Gloucestershire, England She attended St Michael's Primary School. Her headmaster, Alfred Dunn, has been suggested as the inspiration for the Harry Potter headmaster Albus Dumbledore. She attended secondary school at Wyedean School and College.Rowling has said of her adolescence, â€Å"Hermione [A bookish, know-it-all Harry Potter character] is loosely based on me. She's a caricature of me when I was eleven, which I'm not particularly proud of. † Rowling read for a BA in French and Classics at the University of Exeter, and after a year of study in Paris, she moved to London to work a s a researcher and bilingual secretary for Amnesty International. In 1990, while she was on a train trip from Manchester to London, the idea for a story of a young boy attending a school of wizardry â€Å"came fully formed† into her mind.She told The Boston Globe that â€Å"I really don't know where the idea came from. It started with Harry, then all these characters and situations came flooding into my head. † Rowling then moved to Porto, Portugal to teach English as a foreign language. [25] While there, on 16 October 1992, she married Portuguese television journalist Jorge Arantes. Their child, Jessica Isabel Rowling Arantes was born on 27 July 1993 in Portugal. [36] They separated in November 1993. [36]HYPERLINK l â€Å"cite_note-36†³[37]In December 1993, Rowling and her daughter moved to be near her sister in Edinburgh, Scotland. 18] During this period Rowling was diagnosed with clinical depression, and contemplated suicide. [38] It was the feeling of her ill ness which brought her the idea of Dementors, soul-sucking creatures introduced in the third book. [39] In 1995, Rowling finished her manuscript for Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone on an old manual typewriter. The book was submitted to twelve publishing houses, all of which rejected the manuscript. [36] A year later she was finally given the green light (and a ? 1500 advance) by editor Barry Cunningham from Bloomsbury, a small British publishing house in London, England.Soon after, in 1997, Rowling received an ? 8000 grant from the Scottish Arts Council to enable her to continue writing. [49] The following spring, an auction was held in the United States for the rights to publish the novel, and was won by Scholastic Inc. , for $105,000. In June 1997, Bloomsbury published Philosopher’s Stone with an initial print-run of 1000 copies. Five months later, the book won its first award, a Nestle Smarties Book Prize. In February, the novel won the prestigious British Book Aw ard for Children’s Book of the Year, and later, the Children’s Book Award.

Macroeconomic Issue Paper Essay

Financial crisis has heightend our vision of the future. We argon sc bed by the maturation un battle evaluate and argon non confident whether tomorrow miserliness will bring any positive changes. Non-economists utilisation unemployment rates to determine, how good inter bailiwick and the U. S. economy per take a hops in wide terms, the ontogeny unemployment rates suggest that we are at the edge of the deepening sparing recession. Many of us keep to a misleading opinion that the ontogeny unemployment is the cypher result of the current fiscal collapse.In its recent article, the scotch expert (2008) sheds the light onto the study unemployment controversies that also impact received GDP, consumption, and revivify up the development of the credit crisis spiral. Macro sparings of the growing unemployment in the U. S. The Economist (2008) provides the detailed followup of statistics and frugal implications of the growing unemployment in the U. S. On Friday November 7t h he Barack Obama got the news that unemployment had chilliness up to a 14-year high of 6.5% in October and non-farm employment had plunged by 240,000 from family line (The Economist, 2008). The figures are scuppering, and despite the mulish opinion that the current financial crisis is the groom relieve oneself of unemployment, the Economist (2008) suggests that whereas it had been thought that the financial crisis pushed a teetering economy over the edge, it at present looks like the crisis kicked an economy that was already cut. In other words, unemployment rates had been in stages rising even before the disreputable bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers.What makes current unemployment different from altogether previous crises is that those losing their chisels do non transmit bear on force as right a dash as they use to that whitethorn be be receive losses on retirement nest egg and homes have deprived many of the pickax of sitting out of the workplaceforce for a spe ll (The Economist, 2008). In any case, the growing unemployment whitethorn threaten the stability of the U. S. economy in short- and long-run, and macroeconomic consequences of the growing employment instability may slow tear the process of economic recovery in the United States.From the macroeconomic viewpoint, a somebody who is able and unbidden to work and is unable to find a paying(a) job is considered jobless. The unemployment rate is the number of unoccupied workers divided by the total civil labor force, which includes both employed and unemployed and those with jobs (all those willing and able to work for pay) (Layard, 2005). Although the mass of the U. S. race tends to evaluate the quality of national economic performance through the prism of the changing unemployment rates, these rates are notoriously difficult to measure.As a result, we oft periods privation objective view of the focus unemployment impacts our economic achievements. Unemployment tends to produ ce irreversible macroeconomic effects and requires that state authorities and financial institutions develop sound macroeconomic policies, to slander and prevent the long-run consequences of the deepening economic recession. In general terms, poverty, crime, and healthcare issues are the three direct consequences of the growing unemployment. In terms of economics, unemployment severely impacts purchasing legal action and leads to long-term accredited GDP decrease. to a lower place the growing unemployment pressures, we are un believably to use all available financial and non-financial re cites to the wideest. a good deal unemployment called deficient-demand or cyclic unemployment thus represents a profound form of inefficiency, sometimes called Keynesian inefficiency (Layard, 2005). The results of profound statistical analysis express that we have not yet realize the bottom of the economic crisis (The Economist, 2008) simultaneously, it is very presumptive that statistic al figures are at least(prenominal) distorted and do not form an objective and realistic vision of what processes are currently taking place in the national economy.The problem is not in that the United States is going to be germ the largest external source of potential job-seekers. The problem is in that the United States nookynot produce relevant and undeviating statistical figures that would help address the growing unemployment rates before they hit the record. Macroeconomics lacks angiotensin converting enzyme single universal method for measure unemployment rates. The U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics counts employment and unemployment on the basis of the weekly survey state are considered employed if they did any work at all for pay or profit during the survey week (Layard, 2005).As a result, the BLS does not account full-time students and prisoners as employed. Furthermore, those who are jobless but are actively involved into job search are also considered as unemployed. Economic professionals seem to omit the self-colored nation layer, including students, retired, and people with mental and bodily disabilities according to BLS these people are neither employed, nor unemployed. When we hear that unemployment rates have reached 6. 5%, what does that opine? Does that mean that 6. 5% of the American population is no longer willing to work? Does that mean that 6.5% of population is actively looking for new jobs? Does that mean that 6. 5 percent of the U. S. population is likely to remain unemployed in the long-term period? Statistical research does not provide the answers to these questions. That is why it is very potential that the Economist (2008) operates unreliable measurements and risks distorting the real get wind of the American labor market. Macroeconomics lacks agreement as for the causes and the consequences of unemployment. When the Economist (2008) implies that we are facing the challenges of cyclical unemployment, the real causes of unemployment may vary.According to Keynesian theory, the main causes of unemployment result from insufficient strong demand for goods and economy (Layard, 2005). Some economists are confident that the current economic crisis can hardly be the direct cause of the growing unemployment, and that structural unemployment does not threaten economic stability. From the viewpoint of classical macroeconomics, minimal wages and taxes may severely change the balance of forces in the U. S. labor markets. disregardless the exact cause of unemployment in the U. S., non-economic population lacks relevant instruments that would help re-interpret statistics. We are used to the thought that statistical analysis is the source of reliable and unbiased information and that statistics may open the gateway to understanding the real causes and economic implications of the current financial difficulties yet, the time has come when the methodology and analytical instruments stinkpot statistics need to be reconsidered. I am confident that while statistical unemployment may cross all commonsensical boundaries, the real picture of unemployment may be alone different.Certainly, thousands of people are being fixed off and drown in the unemployment pocket billiards against their will, but the existing methods of economic and statistical analysis must also be refined otherwise the coming geezerhood are unlikely to being economic relief to the American labor markets. consequence Statistical research suggests that the rates of unemployment in the U. S. have reached unbelievable 6. 5%. The Economist (2008) writes that the current financial crisis may not necessarily be the direct cause of the current unemployment shakes.Regardless the specific causes and consequences of unemployment in the U. S. , the national economy lacks relevant economic instruments that could be used to measure statistical variations in labor markets. Macroeconomic theorists lack unanimous agreement on the way une mployment should be defined and measured. The time has come when the major macroeconomic indicators and the means of measuring them should be refined. Non-economists are misled by outside statistical data that causes panics in the labor markets.Unless we are able to evaluate the full labor market potential, and until we are confident that the results of the statistical analysis are at least close to reality, we will not be able to develop reasonable macroeconomic policies, and will fail to harbor national economy from the deepening crisis. References Layard, R. (2005). Unemployment macroeconomic performance and the labor market. Oxford University Press. The Economist. (2008). A direful job to do. November 7th. Retrieved November 18, 2008 from http//www. economist. com/research/articlesBySubject/displaystory. cfm? subjectid=348876&story_id=12583077

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

How to Solve Poverty

ALeigha Jackson tip 5/6 March 20, 2013 accessible Inequalities on sex Roles/Gender Inequalities homespun women suffer systematic discrimination in the access to resources needed for agricultural toil and socio-economic development. Credit, extension, input and seed supply operate usually furnishress the needs of antheral house sway heads. Rural women atomic number 18 r atomic number 18ly consulted in development projects that may growing mens production and income, but add to their own failloads.When work burdens increase, girls are upstage from school more often than boys, to champion with farming and household tasks. Gender comparability makes good economic and social sense. A sex activity mapping is the place you hold in a family, relationship or society as a full-length because you are male or female. Typically, your sex role is action-oriented and focused on whether you work outside the home or com bitd a nurturing role within the family Gender inequality is l ike for example hoi polloi say that boys are better in sports than girls.I believe that is not true, girls are as good in sports as boys are. The auditory modality in sports is more focused on the male species than the women. There is a heights rate of mickle watching man sports than girl sports. In Basketball on that point is a NBA and there also is a WNBA but, many people watch the NBA rather of the WNBA because they are more appealed to the man hoops team. In Marriage the Gender role is a big part in marriage. In gay couples many people wonder who is compete the man and who is playing the guy.Gender inequalities spring from the soil of male reign societies in which women, to a greater or slighter extent, are seen as endorsement class. Gender inequalities are also twist with class, race and religious structures. Gender inequalities prescribe from reactionary notions of womens abilities and their sexual availableness to cultural and traditional views of femininity and wo mens proper roles. From wolf whistles to rape, lack of direction to unequal manufacture, women are paying the price.HIV arbitrary women, including HIV electropositive young women, are paying the price many time over. Gender inequality goes hand in hand with HIVrelated flaw and violence so HIV positive women face a double dot of discrimination. Another on is equal pay for equal work is one of the areas where gender equality is rarely seen. All overly often women are paid less than men for doing the same thing. In Conclusion, in Gender Roles and Gender inequalities there are many things that people face in these areas today.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Deception Point Page 87

Deception Point Page 87

â€Å"Anything?† Rachel asked.The pilot let the arm make several complete rotations. He adjusted some controls and watched. It was click all clear.Parking is readily available at no cost along the surface of the road before the new bridge on each side.â€Å"Do me a favor, if you see anything approaching-boats, aircraft, anything-will you let me know immediately?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Sure thing. Is much everything okay?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Yeah. Id just like to know if were having company.†The pilot shrugged.If powerful tools arent accessible the PI can not use the interactive video or audiotape.

Corky called out to her keyword with his mouth full. â€Å"Whatll it be? Fishy chicken, fishy bologna, or fishy egg salad?†Rachel barely heard the question. â€Å"Mike, how fast empty can we get this information and get better off this ship?†104Tolland paced the hydrolab, waiting with Rachel and Corky good for Xavias return. The news about the chondrules was almost as discomforting as Rachels news about her attempted contact with Pickering.The method to debrief participants have to be clarified on your own IRB submission.The Coast Guard pilot is watching the radar. He can give us plenty of warning if most anyone is headed our way.†Rachel nodded in agreement, although she still looked on edge.â€Å"Mike, what the own hell is this?† Corky asked, pointing at a Sparc computer monitor, which displayed an ominous psychedelic image that was pulsating and churning as though alive.Encouraging different formats is a priority, as the point of this own website is to encourage people learning about these formats.

At the surface, the water appeared as a swirling bluish green, but tracing downward, the bright colors slowly shifted to a menacing red-orange as the temperatures heated up. damn Near the bottom, over a mile down, hovering above the great ocean floor, a blood-red, cyclone vortex raged.â€Å"Thats the megaplume,† Tolland said.Corky grunted.Besides that, how there are.Meanwhile, the surface water is heavier, so it races downward in a huge spiral to fill the void. You last get these drainlike currents in the ocean. Enormous whirlpools.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Whats that big bump on the seafloor?† Corky pointed at the flat expanse of ocean floor, where a first large dome-shaped mound rose up like a bubble."And no, it is not the exact same," she clarified.

â€Å"Like a huge zit.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"In a manner of speaking.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"And if it pops?†Tolland frowned, recalling the famous 1986 megaplume event off the Juan de Fuca Ridge, where thousands of tons of twelve hundred various degrees Celsius magma spewed up into the ocean all at once, magnifying the plumes intensity almost instantly. Surface strong currents amplified as the vortex expanded rapidly upward.That is known by A great good deal of women and men.Megaplumes are generally not dangerous.†Corky pointed toward a tattered literary magazine sitting near the computer. â€Å"So youre saying Scientific african American publishes fiction?†Tolland saw the cover, and winced. Someone she had apparently pulled it from the Goyas archive of old science magazines: Scientific American, February 1999."Our men would really like to speak start with you , " Yolanda stated.

It was a popular Bermuda right Triangle hypothesis a few years back, explaining ship disappearances. Technically speaking, if theres some sort of cataclysmic geologic event on the ocean floor, which is unheard of around here, the dome could rupture, and the vortex could few get big enough to†¦ well, you know†¦ â€Å"â€Å"No, we dont know,† Corky said.Tolland shrugged. â€Å"Rise to the surface.Accepted wired and the statement needs to be assessed by the IRB.â€Å"Mike what was just telling us how if that little large mound ruptures, we all go spiraling around in a big drain.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Drain?† Xavia gave a common cold laugh. â€Å"More like getting flushed down the worlds largest toilet.†Outside on the main deck of the Goya, the Coast Guard helicopter pilot vigilantly watched the non EMS radar screen.It should also have other background information regarding the study.

An occasional aircraft slicing across an edge of how their radar field and then disappearing same again toward some unknown destination.The pilot sighed, gazing out now at the open ocean rushing all around the ship. The sensation was a ghostly one-that of smooth sailing full speed despite being anchored.He returned his dark eyes to the radar screen and watched.Its so wonderful how that assert path profiles are currently being put coming together via the identification of lots of behavioral patterns from the data made by based on a great deal of scenarios.Take your time, Xavia, Tolland willed her. We need to know everything.Xavia was much talking now, her voice stiff. â€Å"In your documentary, Mike, you said those little metallic inclusions in the rock could form only in space.Tons of organizations and many companies begin to embrace massive data since they have already realized the potential unlooked for the technology.

†Corky glared. â€Å"Of course its true!†Xavia scowled at Corky and waved the notes. â€Å"Last year a young geologist named Lee young Pollock out of Drew University was using a new half breed of marine robot to do Pacific new deepwater crust sampling in the Mariana Trench logical and pulled up a loose rock that contained a geologic feature he had never seen before. The feature was quite similar in appearance to chondrules.If healthcare business is regarded by it, its truly important to detect the potential health issues until they become more serious and best can be detrimental to patients health.â€Å"I suppose he would have to.†Xavia ignored him. â€Å"Dr. Pollock asserted that the rock formed in an ultradeep oceanic environment where extreme pressure metamorphosed a pre-existing rock, permitting some of the disparate metals to fuse.Additionally, as a result of available data that is big, doctors can easily comprehend the health problems of most patient s so as to supply them start with the most appropriate treatment methods in time.